Stormwater Pump

Stormwater pump stations are an essential prevention and safety system to have in place in public and commercial settings. These pump stations help protect areas by removing water in large volumes to prevent flooding. This works to protect cities close to large volumes of water or prone to flooding.

What is a Stormwater Pump Station?

A stormwater pump station is a large-sized collection tank for stormwater with a submersible tank at the bottom. Unlike other more common pumps, a stormwater pump doesn't rely on gravity to move the water to the discharge point but utilises a pump to supply additional pressure to overcome any difference in head pressure. 
When water levels within the tank rise too high, the pump will turn on and move the water out of the discharge point, even if that point is higher than the actual level of the station. Which prevents water from sitting and rising on surfaces above ground. 

Who Can Benefit From a Stormwater Pump Station?

Floodwater can pose a danger in urban areas when moving in large volumes. These floodwaters often contain large solids and debris and bacteria, trace metal, pesticides and more which can build up and cause further potential threats in flooding situations. 
These stations can alleviate any pressure from significant downpours for car parks, workshops, large open areas, rural areas and commercial or industrial applications that pump water to a discharge. 

How Can You Benefit From a Stormwater Pump Station?

Ensuring that your building or community doesn't encounter severe damage from flooding means that you need a pump that can handle large volumes of water. This is when it becomes worthwhile to invest in a stormwater pump station, but these pumps aren't just resourceful in situations of flooding; they have a range of benefits which can include; 

  • Repurposing collected water. Some of these stormwater tanks have drainage systems built in that filter this stormwater for other uses, such as firefighting, and if you have the right filtrate system, it can even be used as drinking water. 
  • Reducing risk of contaminants being spread. If you don't have a pumping system in place to deal with stormwater, you may notice an influx in contaminants and diseases being spread. Without a pump station, this water can collect and become stagnant, becoming a breeding ground for these dangerous particles. 
  • Minimising infrastructure damage. Moving this water through your pump station can also see minor damage to sidewalks, highways and underground systems being safely removed instead of building up and causing more severe damage.  

The Best Pumping Systems in Australia

Pumps2You is Australia's premier distributor of high-quality pumps. Talk to us today and get the best advice. Submit your enquiry online, or give us a call on 1300 767 443.